Classical Incarnations

The Last Rose of Summer by Thomas Moore 

Avanti la regata by Gioachino Rossini 

Allison Vinis, voice, Alan Weinberg, piano

Romance in A minor for violin and piano by Sergueï Rachmaninov 

Violaine Michel, violin, Lee Myssyk, piano

Shure They Call It Ireland with lyrics by Keirn Brennan and music by Ernest R. Ball 

I Will Walk with my Love arranged by Herbert Hughes       

The Bold Unbiddable Child by Charles Villers Stanford   

Bevin Kehoe, voice, Alan Weinberg, piano

The Girl with the Flaxen Hair by Claude Debussy 

Morgan Mongold, flute

"How are Things in Glocca Mora" by Burton Lane 

"The rose of Tralee" by Charles W Grover 

Jaz Tempest, voice, Alan Weinberg, piano

Selections TBA

Andrew McEvoy and Friends